Ensure Funding for World Police and Fire Games: NDP
MARCH 28, 2007 OTTAWA – BC NDP MPs were shocked to learn that the Conservative government decided not to contribute financially to the World Police and Fire Games to be held in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia from July 31 to August 9, 2009. The 2005 World Police and Fire Games held in Quebec City received $1.6 million dollars in federal support.
The NDP wants to make these games happen. NDP MPs from BC’s Lower Mainland are continuing to put pressure on the Harper Conservatives to match the financial support extended by the government to the last Canadian host city of this event. New Democrats are taking their message to everyday Canadians and are starting a petition campaign to put pressure on Harper to act.
“Countless British Columbians locally supported the games and Stephen Harper said no. This is unacceptable,” said Peter Julian (Burnaby-New Westminster).
“Community support for the World Police and Fire Games is huge in Burnaby,” said Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas). “Folks on the lower mainland want to make sure the government does all it can to ensure they are a big success.” Siksay recently tabled a motion (m-294) seconded by Julian and Black that calls on the Conservative government to extend financial support to the Games.
“I am taken aback that the Conservative Government has decided not to contribute to the World Police and Fire Games. The Games are wonderful opportunity to showcase not only what the Lower Mainland has to offer, but also the skills of our law enforcement and fire service personnel,” said Dawn Black (New Westminster-Coquitlam)
The World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) are a biennial athletic event open to active and retired law enforcement and fire service personnel throughout the world. The Games provide an opportunity for these men and women to showcase their athletic abilities in over 65 sporting events. Since 1985, these events have been held in Melbourne, Australia; Stockholm, Sweden; Barcelona, Spain; New York City, Calgary and Quebec City.
“This is a great opportunity to promote sports and recreation in the region, while supporting these vital members of our community,” said Libby Davies (Vancouver East).
“Important working relationships are reinforced during these games. These relationships are needed in our communities during emergencies,” added Penny Priddy (Surrey North).