Blog – Libby Davies yeehaw

Website Update (Blog entry)

Dear friends,

A quick update on my website. Sadly it was out of operation for the past year after a serious hacking episode and unfortunate experience with the previous contractor who maintained it. However the good news is, we are back up and running, though restoring previous archival content is an ongoing challenge still in progress. Thankyou to Bryan, Anette and Kim for your valiant work to help on this front.


Update from Libby (Blog entry)

A quick update to those checking out this website ! You’ll find news updates, videos and political discussions as I continue to “not retire” having reached my 72nd year! Plus the parliamentary archive of almost two decades of work in Canada’s Parliament is here at your fingertips. I’m no longer an elected representative (having officially left politics in 2015) but I remain active in community endeavours, public speaking, and media commentary. A regular volunteer activity has been co-hosting, OFF THE HILL, by, with co-host Robin Browne. Now in its fifth year, OFF THE HILL, is a fast paced live panel on current and emerging issues of national significance. The monthly panel focuses on the impacts of Canadian and international politics on people and on ways to mobilize to bring about progressive and radical change in politics and social movements, both on and off Parliament Hill. You can find current and past panels from Off The Hill here.
