In Memory of Jim Green

Dear Friends,

I’m very sad to hear the news about Jim’s passing this morning . I want to express my sympathy and sorrow to his family. All of Vancouver mourns this loss. Jim’s larger than life character and energy did so much in the Downtown Eastside, and the City overall that we all benefited from his vision and work.

When I first met Jim in about 1980, he was working on his book of the history of the Canadian Seaman’s Union and then he began his work at DERA. What followed were remarkable years and decades of public service to the people of Vancouver and our Province. The legacy of the good affordable housing he developed, the bank, labour history, and arts and culture are all things we have to cherish and remember.

The last time I saw him in public he was in the Woodwards Atrium. He was carrying his shopping bags home and we talked for a little while about Jack Layton, who we both knew and loved. There’s a real sense of loss with Jim’s passing and I, like many, feel it deep inside. I am glad to have known him, worked with him, and know that his work and passion is carried on by many.

