Dear friends,

A quick update on my website. Sadly it was out of operation for the past year after a serious hacking episode and unfortunate experience with the previous contractor who maintained it. However the good news is, we are back up and running, though restoring previous archival content is an ongoing challenge still in progress. Thankyou to Bryan, Anette and Kim for your valiant work to help on this front.



A year later!

Book signing at Vancouver launch of Outside In
Was it really a year ago that I had the good fortune to launch my memoir “Outside In”? We were in Toronto and it was a pouring rain storm on Spadina Street and I thought – no ones gonna come – but people did – amazingly, and we had a fab time with Judy Rebick and Min Sook Lee. [ read more…]

Things Present Things Past

I found a great piece of activist history thanks to Janos Mate – a legendary campaigner for Greenpeace a few decades ago! The memory of swimming in protest around a colossal US warship with nuclear weapons on board, in Vancouver’s harbour, in 1989, is still fresh in my mind! [ read more…]

November at the Miami Book Fair!

If it’s November it must be the Miami Book Fair coming up! I’m so looking forward to being at the MBF to present on a panel of authors on November 24th, 2019. The Fair is just a wonderful buzz of activity and I feel very honoured to be on the program this year as a new author.  [ read more…]

Book Tour Highlights, Summer 2019

Photo by Mitchel Raphael from the Toronto book launch of Outside In May and June 2019, were busy months for me as the book launch and tour for “Outside In: A Political Memoir” got under way. With the expert help of Zoe Grams Communications, David Molenhuis at Between The Lines, and Kim Elliott, we embarked on an ambitious itinerary of media coverage and book launch events that took me to Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Hamilton and Mississauga. [ read more…]