Drug shortage shows failure of federal leadership, critics charge – Libby Davies

Drug shortage shows failure of federal leadership, critics charge

OTTAWA — The prospect of Sandoz profiting from a nationwide drug shortage caused by its Canadian subsidiary shows a “shocking” failure of federal leadership, critics charge. “It’s shocking that the very company that caused the immediate crisis is the one that could benefit,” said Libby Davies, the federal NDP health critic. “Patients and Canadians are being held captive, and I just don’t think people will tolerate this.”

Outside in available as an Ebook! And more: two upcoming events in Vancouver and on Denman Island – Libby Davies

Outside in available as an Ebook! And more: two upcoming events in Vancouver and on Denman Island

I’m delighted to share that Outside In: A Political Memoir is now available as an ebook! So if this is your reading niche – I hope you will order from your favourite supplier, such as Amazon, Kobo, or wherever you usually buy ebooks. You can also go to the BTL website page for Outside In, our website

In other news – there are two events coming up that I will be participating in: 

The Carnegie Centre Writers Festival celebrating the 40th Anniversary of The Carnegie Centre. This place has been a big part of my life and the story of it’s re-birth as a desperately needed community in the Downtown Eastside is very much a part of my book. I look forward to being there the evening of SATURDAY MAY 9th. 

I will also be attending the DEMMAN ISLAND READERS AND WRITERS FESTIVAL July 16-19 th on the fabulous Denman Island. I’ll be doing 3 events, a workshop on political activism, a solo reading and a Panel Discussion. 
Find the info here: https://denmanislandwritersfestival.com/

Canadian Labour Congress 50th Anniversary – Libby Davies

Canadian Labour Congress 50th Anniversary

Ms. Libby Davies (Vancouver East, NDP): – Mr. Speaker, the Canadian Labour Congress celebrates its 50th anniversary this week. As the national and democratic voice of the labour movement, representing over 3 million workers, the CLC has much to celebrate. They have a proud record.

Over the last 50 years, the CLC has played a pivotal role in bringing in essential benefits for Canadian workers, which are now an important part of our Canadian work culture. The Canada Pension Plan, student loans, universal public Medicare and laws promoting health and safety, were all brought in through the work of the CLC.

In recognition of these incredible accomplishments and in celebration of the CLC’s 50th anniversary, Canada Post has issued a commemorative stamp.

We in the NDP stand in solidarity and congratulate the CLC, and commend its dedicated members for the immeasurable work it has done, and continues to do for the rights and equality of all working Canadians.
