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Kairos process not perfect: Tories – Libby Davies
Kairos process not perfect: Tories
The Harper government issued its first, grudging acknowledgment Friday that a controversial funding decision and subsequent cover-up by International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda may have been less than pristine…Lukiwski also made the case that just because Oda testified in December that she didn't know who added the hand-written word "NOT" to the Kairos funding approval, that didn't contradict her later assertion that she ordered the revision. "Precise answers to questions do not constitute contempt," said Lukiwski. He blamed Liberal MP John McKay, who "should have asked different, or more, questions, or been more diligent in his inquiry." Transcripts of Oda's Dec. 9 testimony at the foreign affairs committee show McKay being cut off by Conservative chairman Dean Allison as he pressed the minister on the specifics of her knowledge about the doctored document. NDP MP Libby Davies called the government response "very tawdry." "They're hiding behind ludicrous technicalities," she said in an interview.
Libby speaking up for affordable housing – Libby Davies
Libby speaking up for affordable housing
Ottawa should revive tax incentives that make it attractive for developers to build more rental housing, NDP MP Libby Davies says. The federal Liberals essentially abandoned any involvement in housing in the mid-1990s, and successive governments have also shown little interest in the file, Davies said Saturday in Kelowna. “There were various programs available that provided incentives for the development of rental housing, but they‘re all long gone,” Davies, who represents the riding of Vancouver East, said after addressing local NDP members.
May 14, 2013
OTTAWA – With a recent Toronto hospice closure highlighting the critical state of palliative and long-term care, the NDP is urging the federal government to address the lack of resources and coordination for this type of care.
“This critical shortage of beds and lack of funding for palliative care is a direct result of the Conservative government’s failure to make health care for Canadians a priority,” said NDP Health critic Libby Davies (Vancouver East). “Instead of hiding in Ottawa, the Health minister should work with the provinces to ensure that Canadians get the essential health services they need.”
Residential hospices provide an important option for Canadians with terminal illness who need 24-hour medical care. Perram House was one of only three residential hospices in Toronto. Its closure means there are now just twenty hospice beds for a city of 2.6 million people. And even though hospice care is less costly than staying in hospital, it receives limited government funding and these facilities must rely on their own fundraising efforts to stay open.
“This is yet another example of Conservatives walking away from their responsibilities and passing the burden of funding important services to the provinces and territories,” said NDP MP Matthew Kellway (Beaches – East York). “Every person deserves to die with dignity and our first class health system should make that possible.”
Libby and the NDP speaking out against the HST – Libby Davies
Libby and the NDP speaking out against the HST
Ms. Libby Davies (Vancouver East, NDP) : Mr. Speaker, it is said there are two certainties in life, death and taxes. This finance minister wants to hit both with his HST scheme.
The B.C. Liberals have foolishly signed on. Now British Columbians will have to pay 7% more for essentials like food, haircuts, vitamins and even funerals.
Why is the Conservative government hellbent on raising taxes at a time when many British Columbians are struggling to pay their bills every day? Why are they foisting this tax on the people of British Columbia?
Hon. Jim Flaherty (Minister of Finance, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the decision by any particular province of whether or not to harmonize is a decision for that provincial government to take. It is not a decision made by the federal government.
The proposal with respect to harmonization has been in the budgets repeatedly. Years ago under the Liberal government, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and other provinces chose to harmonize. Some additional provinces are now making that decision. It is a decision for them to make.
Ms. Chris Charlton (Hamilton Mountain, NDP) : Mr. Speaker, the finance minister wants people to believe that he had nothing to do with raising their taxes, and yet he offered the McGuinty Liberals of Ontario $4.3 billion if they harmonized their sales tax.
That bribe worked and Ontario families will now be paying 8% more on vitamins, transit tickets, power bills and, yes, even funerals.
Increasing the tax burden on hardworking families is simply the wrong approach. Will the finance minister stop playing Ontarians for fools and end this Liberal-Conservative tax grab?
Activist, author Libby Davies coming to Nelson – Libby Davies
Activist, author Libby Davies coming to Nelson
In association with her recent book, Outside In: A Political Memoir, Libby Davies is crisscrossing the country and engaging in conversations about the intersection of activism and politics in pursuit of social change. And now, she’s coming to Nelson on Thursday, Aug. 29 at 6:30 p.m.
NDP Opposition Day Motion – Thalidomide Survivors – Libby Davies
NDP Opposition Day Motion – Thalidomide Survivors
Ms. Libby Davies (Vancouver East, NDP): Mr. Speaker, first I would like to start by saying that I will be sharing my time with the member for Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert.
I am very honoured to rise in the House today to speak to this very important and historic motion from the NDP. As has been read out, the motion reads:
That, in the opinion of the House: (a) full support should be offered to survivors of Thalidomide; (b) the urgent need to defend the rights and dignity of those affected by Thalidomide should be recognized; and (c) the government should provide support to survivors, as requested by the Thalidomide Survivors Taskforce.
The motion before us calls on the government to right the wrong of the tragic consequences that took place when, in 1961, the Government of Canada approved the sale of Thalidomide as a safe drug for the treatment of morning sickness for pregnant women. It is so important today that we speak out collectively and with one voice as Parliament to understand and to address this urgent and tragic issue.
I would like to thank the member for Outremont, the Leader of the Official Opposition, for agreeing to and giving his full support to this motion being brought forward today. I would also like to thank members from all sides because we do now know that the government will be supporting this motion with a slight amendment, and I am very thankful for that. We have had a lot of discussion and it is historic and important that today we will be speaking in this debate and we will be bringing forward the visibility of this issue. I hope that on Monday we will be voting on this motion, and it will hopefully be a unanimous vote.
On Tuesday, I had the honour to be joined, with my colleague from Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert, by two members of the Thalidomide Survivors Taskforce, Mercédes Benegbi and Josée Lake who came from Montreal to join us in a press conference where they spoke out and shared some of their experiences of what it has been like, over more than 50 years, to be a Thalidomide survivor. It was very moving to hear their words and to hear them speak about their deeply personal experience and of the experience of 95 survivors in Canada. It is a day that I will not forget, in hearing what they had to say.
I am also very thankful that the people at The Globe and Mail decided to focus on this issue. As we know, over the past week we have seen the stories and the original story that they did last Saturday, which was a very comprehensive piece that gave us the history and background, and brought us to the current situation today when so many survivors are living in pain and suffering and with great financial hardship. To me, it is one of those moments when a whole bunch of things come together. We have to recognize that the Thalidomide survivors have, for 50-plus years, been living in a way that has been quite invisible. It is a story that we are aware of.
I remember when we debated Bill C-17 in the House, on drug safety, a bill that we supported. I remember that when I debated that bill in the House, I mentioned the history of Thalidomide in 1961. I did not know then that just a few months later we would actually be debating the issue of Thalidomide. There is some continuity here and some historical importance to what we are doing. Of course, drug safety in this country is critically important, and the bill that was passed a few months ago, although we would have liked to see some improvements to it, was a very important bill.
When we look at history and see what has taken place in this country around drug safety, and we look at this terrible tragic situation that took place in the early 1960s, it is so compelling. It speaks to the core of why we are here, in terms of parliamentarians and legislators who need to pay attention and need to ensure that there is proper regulatory oversight for drug safety.
When this drug was first brought onto the market in the early 1960s, it was deemed to be safe. The tragedy is that when the story began to unfold and the consequences began to be known of women who had miscarriages and babies being born with terrible deformities, Canada was very slow to react, and it took decades, right up until 1991, for there to be even some discussion around compensation.
If we look at the amount of compensation that was given in 1991, we can see how terribly inadequate the small settlements were to the survivors and really did nothing to help them. They even had to sign gag orders that they would not speak out afterward. The small settlements they got in no way dealt with the long-term effects of what they were dealing with.
We know today that the consequences of the Thalidomide survivors have left people dealing with very severe and debilitating pain. It has taken 50 years of work, which has taken a toll on them not only emotionally and financially, but, of course, physically. Many of the survivors are now suffering from nerve damage and painful wear and tear on their bodies. It has caused enormous challenges for them, including the loss of the ability to use their limbs to care for themselves and damage to their spines and joints, which severely limit their mobility. It has impacted on their ability to gain employment and means they have often had to depend on others for very basic tasks, such as using the toilet, dressing, preparing meals, doing all of the things that we do daily that we take for granted.
Fifty years later, with this group of people aging, the health consequences of what they face have become even more serious. It is critical that we not lose any more time. There are only 95 Thalidomide survivors left in Canada. I believe there were originally about 120 people, so some have already died. As these survivors age, their health and financial needs will only grow.
Time is of the essence, and it is very important that we take a stand today and that Parliament speak out. New Democrats call on the government to right the wrong and immediately sit down with the survivors task force and begin the work to arrive at a just settlement for the survivors. That is what this motion would accomplish if it is passed. I want to stress that time is of the essence. We cannot lose another day, week or year.
There are some precedents in terms of what other countries have done. For example, the government in the United Kingdom is providing regular payments to survivors. Germany offered a one-time lump sum payment. The Thalidomide Survivors Taskforce here is asking the government to sit down and work with it in creating a program that would provide a one-time payment to address people’s immediate needs, as well as ongoing payments that would assist individuals based on their own individual circumstances. Something needs to be done in terms of individual needs.
I have had lots of emails over the last couple of days and I want to refer to one from a former colleague, Penny Priddy, who was a Member of Parliament from Surrey. She wrote:
It was the summer of 1963 and I was working at HSC/Sick Kids in Toronto. Her name was “Maria”. She was about a year old.
“Maria” was born without arms. … Her legs were not able to support any weight. Her mother had taken Thalidomide….
Given what we know, I expect her life was filled with challenges and barriers that required a strength that many of us cannot begin to imagine….
Thank you…for listening to the voices of all of the Marias’ who were victims of a system that was so rushed to get a questionable drug to market that they did not consider the unthinkable legacy that they were creating for its smallest citizens.
Today, with this motion, we have an opportunity to right that wrong and I thank all members of the House who will be supporting it.
Blog – Page 9 – Libby Davies
Walk 4 Justice
Dear Friends,
I offer my support and solidarity for the Walk 4 Justice, leaving Vancouver May 29th and arriving in Terrace B.C. June 20th 2009.
The tragedy of the missing and murdered women in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, in B.C. and across the country requires our immediate attention and action to ensure safety, support, and an end to violence against women. [ read more…]
Gangs and Prohibition
Like other metro Vancouver communities, East Vancouver has been recently caught in the horrific and terrifying gun violence, resulting from gangs involved in organized crime and drugs. I have heard from a number of constituents who are horrified at what’s taking place and have a sense of dread at the level of violence, randomness, and the impact on innocent people. [ read more…]
A Right to Community
On Saturday, I attended the 18th Annual Missing Women’s Memorial March in the Downtown Eastside. Eagles circled high above us at Main and Hastings, maybe as a sign that their spirits were close by as we looked up.
I have been to many of the marches as they wind their way through the allys and streets that hold the memories and stories of the tragedy of the missing, but not to be forgotten women. [ read more…]
A Busy Week
The week goes so fast in Ottawa; I can barely remember all that happened. It’s a blur of activity, seriously. As House Leader for the NDP I have particular responsibilities and I seem to dash from place to place, trying to stay on top of what’s happening on the Hill. [ read more…]
Attack on Gaza must end
Over the past 21 days 1,133 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, including 346 children and 105 women. 5,200 have been injured. As of this morning, these are the latest reported casualties. I add my voice to the many thousands to speak out in condemnation at the on-going assault by Israel on Gaza. [ read more…]
Libby’s letter to Prime Minister on Gaza
January 6, 2009
Right Honourable Stephen Harper
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Prime Minister,
The top UN official in Gaza has reported that “nowhere is safe in Gaza.” With a mounting death toll of over 600 Palestinians; over 2,700 wounded; and an unfolding humanitarian crisis of no running water, no electricity, no adequate medical help, and 13,000 refugees who have fled the front lines, the assault on Gaza by Israel will not in any way improve conditions for peace and security. [ read more…]
Attack on Gaza
Having just returned to Canada, I have been watching the developments in Gaza.
I am member of the Canada Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Association and have worked with other MPs to pressure for peace and justice for Palestinians, by pressuring our Canadian government to show leadership in implementing UN resolutions regarding Palestine, and supporting the legitimate legal, political, and social demands of the Palestinian people. [ read more…]
A Coalition for Change
It has been a raucous week in Parliament, and now we have a Prime Minister who is desperately clinging to power at any cost.
I’ve had emails from many people – across the country and of course, from East Van. A few have been vicious, regrettably – but many people seemed to be encouraged by the idea of a new coalition, focussed on real change and help for people, especially given the economic recession and lack of action from Harper’s government. [ read more…]
First week back in the House
What a week! It flew by and here I am, at the end of the first week back in Parliament. The Speech From The Throne was the highlight of the week, but prior to that the new NDP caucus met and it was great to see 12 new members from across the country. [ read more…]
Congratulations to Vision and COPE!
Last Saturday was an exciting day for Vancouver as we voted in a new mayor and a progressive majority for city council, school board, and parks board. I was so pleased that Gregor Robertson and the Vision Vancouver and COPE team will be bringing new direction to City Hall in the coming weeks, and would like to congratulate Vision and COPE and all the many volunteers who helped make this election happen. [ read more…]
Birth control recall: Government took too long – Libby Davies
Birth control recall: Government took too long
OTTAWA – New Democrats say the Conservative government took too long to issue an urgent recall for Alysena-28 birth control pills, putting women’s health at risk and increasing the risk of unplanned pregnancy.
“The Health Minister should have issued a mandatory recall as soon as Alysena manufacturer, Apotex, informed her of the problems with lot LF01899A of their contraceptive pill. Some women may have continued to use it up to a week after the problem was discovered. Initially deemed a voluntary recall by Health Canada, the minister failed to take into account the risks of unplanned pregnancies for many women,” said NDP Health critic, Libby Davies.
A packaging error led to this recall. The blister packs normally include three rows of active pills and one of placebos. Alysena-28 lot LF01899A may only contain two rows of active pills.
“The fact that neither the Health Minister nor Apotex thought it was necessary to inform users of the contraceptive of the risk of unplanned pregnancies is appalling. Alysena is distributed across the entire country. The minister showed a lack of judgement. We must do everything we can to prevent such incidents from happening again,” said deputy Health critic Djaouida Sellah.